III Gridiron v3.1
Documentation Help System Updated October 19th, 2001 by MeNtHoL http://www.planetquake.com/gridiron/ |
Welcome to the Q3 Gridiron Documentation Help System! This document should not only help the administrators of LAN parties who may hold Gridiron Matches or Tournaments, but anyone who plays Q3 Gridiron. This document covers every setting you need to know about Gridiron 3.1, simply select a subject below to jump directly to the section you are interested in viewing. If you find anything out of place or any errors in this document, feel free to send mail by clicking here! |
-- Install and Launch
of Q3 Gridiron 3.1 --
LAN and Online Tournament Setup -- Q3 Gridiron Client Voting System
-- Q3 Gridiron RCON (cvar) Command Reference --
Client Gridiron Key Binds and Tweaks! |
is a few last minute notes concerning this version of Q3 Gridiron: |
and Launch of Q3 Gridiron 3.1 -- Install for Unix/Linux and Mac Systems: For
Unix/Linux and Mac users, you must download Q3 Gridiron v3.0 in the zipped
(ZIP) format and when extracting the ZIP, be sure to select the ZIP check
box labeled USE FOLDERS so that the unzip program can properly create
the /gridiron folder and install the Q3 Gridiron resources there. The
main difference in using the ZIP (especially on Win32 systems) is that
you will have to navigate your way to the /quake3/gridiron/ folder to
find the scripts to launch Q3 Gridiron, so, again, use the Win32 installer
when possible. --
Launching the Q3 Gridiron Client (All Systems): To
launch a Q3 Gridiron Server, for Win32 machines, simply click on the gi30_server.bat
file which we have tested extensively on both Win98 and Win2K systems.
This will load a Master Server Reporting, DEDICATED, Win32 Server with
a full map rotation. You may though need to edit the file to set the port
number (+set net_port [PORT NUMBER]) or other settings specific to your
situation. Review the following Unix/Linux server setup to learn more
about additional server parameters.
-- Launching a Unix/Linux Server: // ---------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ --
Setting Suggestions (All Systems): |
LAN and Online Tournament Setup This section is mostly suggestions compiled from notes we have received from LAN party administrators. We can only hope that the complexity of setting up and running a match or a tournament will be easier after reading the following suggestions. After you have setup and are running a fully functional default Q3 Gridiron Server based on our default configuration files, jump to the section that interests you below. --
Basic LAN Tournament/Match Setup Basic LAN Tournament/Match Setup As we all know, some larger LAN parties can be quite disorganized, so, the following describes a procedure to setup Q3 Gridiron so the server can be ready, yet give everyone a lot of time to join the server and get through their matches in short order. --
Start your Gridiron server(s) and set the server name(s) using command
/sv_hostname "Team X vs. Team Y" Optional
settings such as weapon ammo and other settings as described in the other
sections of this document could also be set. Especially the commands /g_allowvote
0 and /g_mapvotePercent 100 to stop all voting during the match.
If you only have one Gridiron server, you should only have to change the
map to continue the tournament. Even though this is probably the easiest
way to setup and run tournament matches, consider reading the next section
for more suggestions! Advanced LAN Tournament/Match Setup If you wish to setup your tournament with very specific settings, consider scanning over the Command Reference section of this document to help better understand the following procedures. Ignoring map defaults and having one setting for all maps: Before starting your server(s) consider editing the gidef.cfg (Gridiron Default Configuration) setting any number of the settings described in the Command Reference of this document. Once starting the server, use the command /g_usemapconfig 0 to ignore individual map settings stored in the Gridiron PK3. Trouble with Bad match startups or other situations requiring a match restart: If you have all of your players in the game and the match started before everyone was ready or everyone agrees to restart the map, use the command /g_matchRestart 1 to restart the map keeping current teams. Also, consider placing the command /g_requireReady 1 in the gidef.cfg or set this before any players join the server which requires every player is ready before the match begins. Running match based on best of three different maps: Some may find playing a best of three on one map the fastest way to get through a tournament. Yet, if you would like to play three different maps, instead of playing a match and then changing maps manually, consider setting up the server.cfg to rotate the three maps that will be used in each match. An example of running a match server using maps 1, 4 and 11 would be setup as follows in the server.cfg: seta
sv_hostname "LAN Match Server Maps 1 4 and 11" If a team won the first two maps (officially ending that match) then you could a. restart the server or b. send a command of /vstr gimap01 to restart the rotation. Providing more time to communicate in matches: The
commands for allowing more time to communicate plays between rounds and
calling a timeout for even MORE time out between rounds are the commands:
/g_freezetime XX where XX is the number of seconds that will pause
between rounds. Also, teams can use the command /callteamvote timeout
to call a vote for a 30 second team timeout, each team is given two of
these per match map. If you have access to a Gridiron server's RCON password then you have total control over the server and all of the commands described in the procedures throughout this document from remote. The best thing for you (or the administrator of the server who may have given you a temporary RCON password) is to setup a password to access the server. The command for this is /rcon <rcon_password> g_password "secret_password" where <rcon_password> is the RCON password and the "secret_password" is the password you set that the players have to enter to access the server using the /password <secret_password> command in their console when rejected from accessing the passworded server. Instead of repeating a procedure already described in other sections of this document, the following commands should be helpful in getting your match rolling in short order using the following match specific RCON commands as follows: g_requireReady
1 - Requires all players are READY before the match can begin. Many
other RCON commands are listed in the Command
Reference section of this document. Please be aware that some of the
commands we have listed (such as g_allowvote 0 or g_requireReady 1) may
not be something a server admin would be too happy that you use if you
plan on leaving the server when your match is over leaving it for public
gameplay. Please ask server admins what all they would and would not mind
you executing on their server! Online Tournament/Match without RCON If you wish to hold a match online and do not have an RCON password to send commands directly to the server the following procedure may help you to get your match underway. You should though try to contact the server admin to setup a temporary RCON password for you to use for your match. 1.
After both teams agree on a server, have one (or both) team leader(s)
join the empty server. The best thing to do when you do not have RCON to a server is to have one player (such as a team leader) join the server and set the map and the parameters of the game. Being the only player in the server sending /CALLVOTE commands, the votes will alway pass as that one player is 100% of the vote. Unless the server has voting turned off, this can make setting up and running your match a lot easier. In fact, since loading a new map resets a lot of the parameters, you may wish for all the players to type /DISCONNECT and tell them to /RECONNECT in 1 minute so you (or both you and the other team leader) can set the server up for the next map. Again, we suggest that you reserve a server with RCON for online matches even though we have tried to provide plenty of control over running matches on public servers. |
Q3 Gridiron Client Voting System The following covers all the possible votes for controlling Q3 Gridiron gameplay. Once the players are connected to the server and have joined a team, they should type /HELP to get this same info in the Quake3 console. We are repeating this here as a quick reference only. Also note that for ANY of these general voting commands to work, be sure that g_allowVote 1 is in your SERVER.CFG! /HELP - Access to in-game help system. /LISTMAPS - Simply Lists all of the available maps. (gimap01 thru 13 in Beta 6.0) /VOTEMAP <map number> - Use VOTEMAP ## to vote for a specific map number. /CALLTEAMVOTE timeout - Use to call a vote for a 30 second team timeout. (2 per team per map) /CALLVOTE
<weapon> <ammo> - Use to change ammo for weapons as follows: |
Q3 Gridiron RCON (cvar) Command Reference If
you are running a server from remote and wish to perform the voting commands
instantly. You will need to edit the set rconPassword <your_password>
in the SERVER.CFG file to control your server from remote. Once
you have done this and launched your server, the following are the specific
commands for Q3 Gridiron as seen in the voting section above along with
quite a few others. We have tried to group these as follows:
Special Client Gridiron Keybinds Most players will find using the in-game controls setup to be enough to setup their keyboards for Gridiron, but there are still some who wish to know the commands for binding keys directly in the console. The following are not only the standard binds for Gridiron, but some addition controls you may find useful as well. We will also suggest some other settings which may help lower end systems to handle the stress of large Gridiron games with a lot of players--video and general settings. PASSING