NEWS: January 26th, 2001 -- MeNtHoL
Superbowl Weekend!
I would be simply ignorant if I didn't mention the
Superbowl, right?... We hope that everyone has a great weekend and gets
a little Gridiron inbetween all of the festivities. I will be adding the
teams that have signed
up for the tournament later tonight, but for now here's some server
addresses that have popped up over the last 24 hours including those you
may already know from our servers
page. If you find some of the servers full all the time, here's some
others to choose from. We also have a working GameSpy TAB for you on the
Downloads page or you can
download it by clicking
here! : 27965 Dude you got
a Gridiron Server, sweet!
: 27960
GameSpy Arcade PQ Challenge (Happenin' this Monday!) : 27960 Gridiron Home
Server : 27960 Infamous_GridIron
(For some reason only a 4 player server?) : 27999 QuakeShit Gridiron : 27961 TALON - Q3 Gridiron
(WhackDaddy says up from 6pm to 10am) : 27960 The dojo q3 gridiron : 27964 THUNDERDOME : 27960 xStatiCa.com
Also, I would like to clarify that when I said that you have to have an
IRC channel to play in the Gridiron Tournament that it doesn't have to
be a channel named after your Gridiron team. If your team has a clan IRC
channel, that is fine too, just as long as everyone has a channel where
they meet to coordinate matches.
up now for the First Official Gridiron Tournament!
If I did everything right you should be able to
start signing up your team for the first Official Q3 Gridrion Tournament
coming in February when the new code is released! This signup period will
last for exactly TWO WEEKS FROM today, Friday January 26th, 2001 through
11:59pm Friday February 2nd, 2001 or until we have 16 dedicated Q3 Gridiron
Teams, whichever comes first!
To signup your team, click on the GI
TOURNAMENT page on the left from any page on this site. Please do
not rush to start a team if you do not think you will be able to form
a full team of AT LEAST SIX (6) PLAYERS! We want this to be as fun as
possible and there's plenty of time left. I have started a new forum in
the Gridiron Conference to discuss starting teams, joining teams etc.
Once you have signed up a team, we will get in contact with you and we
will be very specific about serious teams before we add you to the team
roster! You need to have a primary Email address and an IRC channel to
join, so be prepared and let's have some FUN!
and Team Roster Startup!
I just wanted to note that Gridiron will be Mod
of the Month at the next Gib-O-Rama!
Check out their
page if you're gonna be (or are) near the Houston Texas area come
Feb 17th... As for the Gridiron team roster, I will have that up here
on the site here in just a little bit... I didn't see any complaints or
suggestions in the conference about how we plan on running the tournament,
it's simple anyways, so let's do this thing!...
NEWS: January 25th, 2001 -- MeNtHoL
it Simple' is a Good Motto...
After some discussions, IRC chats, reading the conference
and some Email, we have enough suggestions to solidify what will be in
the next, and most likely the final version, of Gridiron. But, more importantly,
here is the info on how we will handle the teams and Gridiron tournament
as far as what will be on this site.
The team roster that will be posted here will be very simple. Once we
have a certain number of serious Gridiron teams we will run a simple double-elimination
tournament and we will do a wildcard pick of two teams and the winner
of that wildcard game will play the winner of the tournament. This will
give that extra punch to the tournament in as much as the winning team
at the end of the tournament will have to play the winner of the wildcard
picks. Please take the next 24 hours to decide your teams, your team's
name, and slap on your tags and prepare to signup!
The team roster page will be added to the site sometime later today. It
will have more specific info on the tournament itself and when it will
start. So, if you have any questions or suggestions, there is a new message
on the Gridiron
Conference to discuss this before it goes up here on the site.
NEWS: January 24th, 2001 -- MeNtHoL
2.01 Patch is not the FULL Version!
Wow, wouldn't it be nice if the full Gridiron mod
with 12 maps was under a meg! Some have downloaded the 2.01 patch thinking
it was the full mod. Download the full mod first and then apply the patch.
I have updated the Downloads Page
to reflect this. sorry. my bad. Feel free to slap me about this in the
room. :)
Gridiron makes PQ's MOTW!
Q3 Gridiron is this week's PlanetQuake
featured mod of the week! Being this is our first effort, we truly
appreciate the the mention and the review! Thanks Ash!
Q3Stat Now Tracks Gridiron 2.0 Servers!
This is just a quick note about Q3Stat
on Rycee's page which is now displaying all available Gridiron 2.0
servers. I have added this to the Servers
page as an additional place to find Gridiron servers! Thanks Rycee!
Teams Forming Soon!
It's coming time to get some ducks in a row here...
Between now and the end of January we would like to have a few things
going on before we release what will be the final version of Gridiron
for tournament play:
-- As many serious Gridiron teams formed as those who are willing to form
-- A tournament ladder and schedule setup here on the Gridiron website.
-- All of the best ideas for the code completed and a new version of the
mod tested if not released.
-- A stats page monitoring the Gridiron servers, however many there may
-- A small map pack with maybe 4 -> 6 new maps with some of the new
ideas discussed recently.
That's probably not in order of priority, but close. Val will have a post
soon with everything that will be in the final release of the code soon.
I am, on the otherhand, going to have a teams page created for the site
here in the very near future, maybe within a day. After this we will decide
the best way to configure the tournament and we will decide on a prize
for the winning team other than just being pimped to death on this site.
So, those that are interested, please
let me know your IRC channels and such early on if you are considering
forming a team! We can only hope that we have enough teams to get started
sometime in February, but this is all up to what happens over the next
week. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
NEWS: January 23rd, 2001 -- MeNtHoL
for Tuesday...
We always like to see new Gridiron servers so those that do not get such
good ping can give the mod a try someplace that might give them a little
better ping. Looks as though we lost the Goodwebs.net server to Q3DM FFA,
but at the same time a new server showed up! But it is running Gridiron
2.0 and not 2.01... Check the Servers
page and maybe someone can get in contact with the admin to get 2.01 or
hopefully they read the page here... And if so, hey, thanks for running
a server! :)
Whatever the case, we're playing around with this MyLeague.com
web ladder to see how well it works. I would ultimately like to see
ALL states represented with a Gridiron team, but that's probably asking
too much? There's a thread in the Gridiron
Conference about this too if you'd like to comment.
2. Lightmap or Vertex lighting? It would seem that a lot more people
play using Vertex lighting, which kind of surprised me to be perfectly
honest, and they cannot see the ball because the electro-cool shader on
the ball does not show up, so, it's just plain brown. We are going to
give the ball a trail in the next version of Gridiron, but for now here's
an oddity for my system settings where Vertex lighting actually looks
darker OVERALL to me...
With r_vertexLight 0 ... glowing ball, generally pretty bright
With r_vertexLight 1 ... no glow on the ball, generally a lot darker!
Here's all my video junk which I run on a regular GeForce DDR card that
I got off a cool site that I don't think exists anymore which had something
to do with someone named Aqua:
//Aqua: Good Visual Quality, Medium
seta com_blood "0"
seta cg_gibs "0"
seta cg_marks "0"
seta cg_brassTime "0"
seta cg_shadows "0"
seta r_picmip "1"
seta r_finish "1"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_detailtextures "1"
seta r_ignoreFastPath "1"
seta r_lodBias "0"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_subdivisions "4"
seta r_lodCurveError "250"
seta r_colorbits "16"
seta r_texturebits "16"
seta r_dynamiclight "0"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_fastsky "0"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta r_ext_compress_textures "0"
seta r_vertexLight "0"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_gamma "1.6"
really think these last three commands are at least why I don't seem to
have any problems seeing the ball or the maps seeming to be too dark...
Whatever the case, I hope this helps someone! I'm just here to help, really,
I swear!... :)
NEWS: January 22nd, 2001 -- Valtrain
what an opening weekend it's been! I'm glad to see that the conference
has gotten a lot of use, I hope that continues. We've gotten a lot of
feedback and ideas that we're planning to implement in the near future.
Also we're trying to get a GIL (Gridiron League) going so that we can
play tournaments and seasons. If you're interested, stop by the irc channel
or the conference and let either Menthol, myself, Nicodem, or Rampage
We'll be making an announcement here (and p1mping it on other sites as
well) that we're recruiting players for the tournament teams and we want
to start playing soon. I'd even like to play on a team :) If you've a
member of a clan, tell them to come try it out. Teams or clans don't have
to exclusively play gridiron in order to be in the tournament.
New Business
For the server operators, Dr. Demento of the Insync
Thunderdome Gridiron Server has brought to our attention some settings
you may want to set so everyone can get connected before each match begins.
Add the following to your SERVER.CFG to setup a warmup time:
g_dowarmup "1"
g_warmup "20"
This will allow a 20 second warmup period to take place within which nobody
can score while everyone gets connected to the server. You can set the
amount of time for whatever you want. The default server.cfg linked off
the DOWNLOADS page and the
server.cfg displayed in the SETUP
page reflects these changes as well.
Old Business
If you're having problems connecting to servers, make sure you're running
the 1.27 Point release for Quake3 and that you have both Gridiron 2.0
full and the 2.01 patch installed.
NEWS: January 21st, 2001 -- MeNtHoL
talking about the Future of Gridiron?
and others have expressed the need for a couple things:
1. Gridiron Teams and a place to track team and individual stats.
2. Updating Gridiron to have a Competition mode.
Well, let's start discussing this in the Gridiron
Conference. At this time we are kickin' around ideas for a future
update to Gridiron v2.10... Gridiron v2.01 was updated, in part, due to
suggestions from those who play the mod so let's do the same for v2.10
and see what we can work out!
Now, there seems to be some level of horror when it comes to binding keys
for Gridiron, or any other mod for that matter... I was thinking that
maybe a few of you out there would be so kind as to share your configs
in the Gridiron
Conference and help some people out. I have started new threads in
the General Discussion area just for these items. I have also updated
sections to be more accurate as far as v2.01 is concerned at this time,
you might check them out as well.
on Gridiron Singleplayer...
following is how you load up a map and some stoopid-no-gridiron-playin'
1. Click the PLAY Q3 GRIDIRON on your Windows Desktop.
2. Pull down the console (~) and type the following:
/g_gametype 3 [PRESS ENTER]
/map q3gridiron01 [PRESS ENTER]
*NOTE: Map names are Q3GRIDIRON01 thru Q3GRIDIRON12...
Then once in-game, press ESC and join a team. Then press ESC again and
add bots from the menu just like you would for any mode of play under
Quake3... Once all of the bots join you kind of have to get them going
by shooting one of them and then they'll fight but they won't know to
pickup the ball (they will sometimes get it by accident though) and they
will not pass etc. etc. We may teach them, but you know how expensive
schooling can be in this day and age. :)
NEWS: January 20th, 2001 -- MeNtHoL
Gridiron 2.01 Patch Released!
we on the ball or what? <pun intended!> We've already got a little
update that will address a number of client and server-side issues. Check
the downloads page for links
to the installer and zipped patch! We should have this running on at least
the Houston server anytime now!
Servers and Mirrors, Oh My!
first run of Gridiron 2.0 went well, but a couple minor details need to
be addressed. First off, I do not know if everyone noticed, but the model
loading faults in 1.27 are simply crazy. Maybe it's just me, but here's
what I believe in having in your Gridrion config which is also in the
passbinds.cfg that comes with Gridiron 2.0:
model "doom"
team_model "doom"
team_headmodel ""
headmodel ""
cg_forcemodel "1"
Of course, I'm using the DOOM model as an example here, you would use
whatever model you like best. If anyone knows more about this or has comments,
either let me know
or post it in the Gridiron
Lastly, the SERVERS page is
updated and the new mirrors are listed on the DOWNLOADS
NEWS: January 19th, 2001 -- MeNtHoL
Bird Special!
grab up Q3 Gridiron 2.0 early? Well this is your chance! Hit the downloads
page as we've got both the installer and the ZIP posted on a few of
our sites already... Again, the official release will be later tonight
around 7pm central time when all the servers
should be up and ready for some action!
Hope to see you there!
Gridiron 2.0 to be released later tonight!
ready for it! Gridiron 2.0 is nearly ready to go! I was able to finish
up some additional details and Valtrain is going to run over the code
one more time and all will be ready for release after a few tests! For
now, here's a fun 640x480 graphic to download for your desktop! :)
NEWS: January 18th, 2001 -- MeNtHoL
Gridiron Website's New Home on PlanetQuake!
are now fully moved in to our new home here on PlanetQuake! We are just
about to release Gridiron 2.0 and everything's finally coming together!
We have really been looking forward to this and would like to thank PlanetQuake
for hosting our site and everyone who has been helping with Gridiron 2.0!
I would also like to note that all of the news about Gridiron 1.0 (which
may be useful to at least some of you) is located
here! We will have a monthly archive section setup in the next few
More News to Come VERY SOON!!